Wednesday, April 11, 2007


That's "OSCAR" night backwards. That's cause there was a dinner party of sorts on Oscar night that I forgot to post about. That's because I didn't host it, Julie and Eric did. That's because, well, it's a long story. But, in the grand tradition of making a dish for every movie nominated, that's just what I did. This year, there seemed to be a lot of international representation, with Babel and Letters to Iwo Jima. There were some surprise nominees, like Forrest Whitaker, and little Abigail Breslin, who's like 10, or something.

I prepared most of the food in Rohit's kitchen- not the best kitchen, but a kitchen nonetheless.

And this year's nominees are:

The Departed: Boston Baked Bean Gratin
Little Miss Sunshine: Sunshine Lemon Cheesecake
Letters to Iwo Jima: Chicken Teriyaki
The Queen: Poully Fume, a French white wine
Babel: Cous cous (yes, a cop out, but shut up)

Julie made brownies, which I nominated under Marie Antoinette- you know, "Let them eat brownies"? Whatever- it works.

It was a quiet group, there were only a few of us and it wasn't black tie this year since it was a terribly icky night (snowed/rained throughout) and there were technical difficulties. But I'm glad I carried the tradition on once again. Next year, black tie. Next year, my new apartment. And next year, no best-picture-from-a-box.


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